Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cleaning Pans After Open-Fire Cooking

Cooking over an open fire is one of the joys of camping. Many people think the food tastes better when cooked over an open fire. But cleaning the smoke stains off the cookware afterward can be a chore, and can also lead to excess use of the limited water supply in a small RV.

One of the easiest ways to prepare pans for cooking over an open fire is simply to soap them first! Not the inside, of course...just the outside. Simply add about a teaspoon of liquid dish soap to a 1/2 cup of water (thick enough that it stays on and leaves a thin film, without being so thin that it all runs off), and use a rag or paper towel to coat the outside of the pan with the mixture. You can even make this up ahead of time and store it in a jar for future use for your whole camping trip, or even longer.

The water will evaporate, leaving the soap film. The soap won't burn, but will add enough of a coating to the pans that the smoke will wash right off as soon as you add scrubbing needed.

If you can share other tips you've learned on how to keep pans clean, please post them in the comments. And if you like what you see here, please...use one of the four methods to subscribe to new posts so you don't miss a one of them.

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